Quarto pour le pôle MIAME
ExtensionLe dépôt est initialisé avec :
quarto create extension format:pdf
Le dossier créé est redescendu à la racine.
For a new project
quarto use template https://forgemia.inra.fr/pole-migrateurs/modeles/quarto-extension/-/archive/main/quarto-extension-main.zip
This will install the extension and create an example qmd file that you can use as a starting place for your article.
For an existing project
quarto add https://forgemia.inra.fr/pole-migrateurs/modeles/quarto-extension/-/archive/main/quarto-extension-main.zip
TODO: Describe how to use your format.
Format Options
TODO: If your format has options that can be set via document metadata, describe them.
Here is the source code for a minimal sample document: example.qmd.