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Julien Touchais authored


This project is built with Vue 3, laid out with PrimeVue and designed with TailwindCSS.

Do it yourself


npm install

Create a .env file, and define the following environment variables:

Variable Description Example value
VITE_API_URL_OLD Base URL of the REST API (deprecated) ''
VITE_API_URL Base URL of the API, '/graphql' will be added at the end to form the GraphQL endpoint URL ''


npm run dev


# unit testing (Vitest):
npm run test:unit


npm run build


VSCodium + Volar (not Vetur) is a recommended setup.

For support of .vue imports in TS, chose your path and follow the steps below:

1. TypeScript Vue Plugin

Pro: One-time setup
Con: Two TS language services are running in parallel (Codium's default and plugin one), which can impact Codium performances

Install the TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar), and you're ready to go.

2. Volar "Takeover Mode" (recommended)

Pro: Only one TS language service running
Con: A quick setup is needed for each project

  1. Disable the built-in TypeScript Extension
    1. Run Extensions: Show Built-in Extensions from VSCode's command palette
    2. Find TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features, right click and select Disable (Workspace)
  2. Reload the VSCode window by running Developer: Reload Window from the command palette.


Code style guidelines

Project structure


Imports organisation in JS/TS

JS or TS code files - including the <script> part of Vue's SFCs, should be organised in the following way for how they import other code, which should be done at the top of the file:

 * Vue imports
import { ... } from 'vue'
import { ... } from 'vue-router' // Place official Vue ecosystem libs here too.
 * Components imports
import ... from 'componentLib/some3PComponent'
import ... from '@/components/someLocalComponent'
import ... from '@/layout/someLayoutComponent'
import ... from '@/views/someViewComponent'
 * Composables imports
import ... from '@/composables/useSomeComposable'
import { ... } from '@vueuse/core'
 * Other 3rd-party imports
import { ... } from 'lodash-es'
 * Stores imports
import { ... } from '@/stores/someStore'
 * Types imports
import { type ... } from 'lib/someTypes'
import { type ... } from '@/typings/someTypes'
 * Utils imports
import { ... } from '@/utils/someUtil'
 * Assets imports
import ... from '@/assets/path/to/asset'

Tailwind classes with Vue

Vue has several ways to define classes, including an object syntax and an array syntax. To deal with Tailwind's classes in a consistent way, the following guidelines should be observed:

  • Write predetermined classes inline:
    class="class-1 class-2..."
  • Write parametrised classes as template literals:
    :class="`class-${param} class-${param2}`"
  • Write conditioned classes with object syntax if there is only one class for each condition, otherwise use ternary or &&:
      'class-1': condition1,
      // to use template literal as key, enclose it in brackets:
      [`class-${two}`]: condition2
    // if more than 1 class/condition:
    :class="condition ? 'class-1' : 'class-2 class-3'"
    :class="condition && 'class-1 class-2 class-3'"
  • Finally, if several of these forms have to be used, combine them with the array syntax:
        'class-2': condition
      condition2 && 'class-3',
      'class-4 class-5'

These rules can be applied in kind of a recursive manner, for example when using parametrised class in a conditional one.