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David Dorchies authored
Fix #470

ngHyd - Angular application for Hydraulics using JaLHyd library

See also developers documentation (in french)

Build and deploy


  • jalhyd
  • npm
  • python3
  • pandoc ^2 (optional, for PDF documentation only)
  • texlive (optional, for PDF documentation only)

Building the HTML documentation requires MkDocs and some extensions:

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools
python3 -m pip install mkdocs python-markdown-math mkdocs-material

Building the PDF documentation requires pandoc and a LaTeX distribution (for ex. texlive) with a few packages:

sudo apt install pandoc texlive latexmk texlive-latex-extra texlive-bibtex-extra

Install dependencies


Clone JalHyd next to ngHyd, for ex. respectively in /home/foo/jalhyd and /home/foo/nghyd.

In jalhyd folder, run :

npm run package

other dependencies

Then in nghyd folder, run :

npm install

Compile and get a deployable Web app

npm run build

Compile and get a deployable Web app (without PDF doc)

Use this if you don't want to install LaTeX dependencies.

npm run build-no-pdf

Compile in dev (watch) mode

npm start

Run end-to-end unit tests

npm run e2e

Quickly run end-to-end unit tests while watch mode is running

npm run e2equick

Quickly try electron wrapping when code is already compiled

npm run electron

Build a desktop release for Linux (from Linux platform)

build Debian package

npm run release-linux

Find the .deb package in /release.

Running dpkg -i cassiopee_*.deb will install Cassiopée in /opt/Cassiopee

Build a desktop release for Windows (from Linux platform)

install dependencies

build .exe installer

npm run release-windows

Find the generated installer in /release.

Running the generated installer will install Cassiopée in C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\local\Programs\cassiopee

Build a desktop release for Windows (from Windows platform)

install dependencies

  • python for windows
    • tick "add to path" option when installing
  • mkdocs: pip install mkdocs
  • mkdocs-material: pip install mkdocs-material
  • python-markdown-math: pip install
  • pygments: pip install pygments

build .exe installer

npm run release-windows

Find the generated installer in /release.

Running the generated installer will install Cassiopée in C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\local\Programs\cassiopee

Build a desktop release for MacOS (from Linux platform)

build package

npm run release-mac

Find the generated package in /release.

Note: the generated package will not be signed.

Build a mobile release for Android (from Linux platform)

install dependencies

  • java - apt install openjdk-8-jdk or apt install oracle-java8-jdk
  • gradle - apt install gradle

install Android Studio and SDKs

using GUI

Download Android Studio here and install it :

Run Android Studio, click "configure > SDK manager". Install at least one SDK, for ex. 7.0 Nougat.

using CLI

Download Android SDK Tools from : click "DOWNLOAD OPTIONS" then scroll down to "Command line tools only" and choose sdk-tools-linux-*.zip.

Download and unzip to, for example, /opt/android/.

Add /opt/android/tools/bin to your PATH.

Install an SDK, for example android 28 (Android 9 "Pie") :

sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28" "build-tools;28.0.3"

build .apk package

npm run release-android

Find the generated package in /release.

Note: the generated package will not be signed.

Generate HTML documentation

npm run mkdocs

Generate PDF documentation

npm run mkdocs2pdf

Generate compodoc

npm run compodoc

Flag suspicious language usage

npm run lint

Generate UML diagram

The tsviz package can be used for drawing class diagram of the current code.

To install tsviz:

npm install -g tsviz

There's currently a bug on debian like distribution due to a wrong declaration of graphviz path in the code: As a workaround, you can create a link to the right path: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/dot /usr/local/bin/dot

To draw the diagram:

npm run viz



Custom Material SVG Icons will only show up when the application is deployed on the domain root (no subfolders), see this feature request

chromedriver version in e2e tests

It is possible that Chrome / Chromium version installed on your system evolves faster than the Chrome Selenium driver (chromedriver) installed by "protractor" dependency of Angular, which makes e2e tests fail with an error message about versions compatibility. In this case, it's possible to install an updated system-wide version of the pilot:

sudo npm install -g protractor
sudo webdriver-manager update
sudo find /usr/lib/node_modules/protractor -regextype sed -regex "^.*/chromedriver.*[0-9]$" -exec ln -s '{}' /usr/bin/chromedriver ';'

Release policy

Use semantic versioning.

It's discouraged to execute release steps manually, see Release Script below

Before releasing a new stable version, a new version of JaLHyd should be tagged, see

Then, one should complete the following files

  • package.json (update "version", or use npm version)
  • jalhyd_branch (be sure that it contains "master" or is empty)

Every stable version should be tagged with both

  • the stable tag
  • a version tag of the form X.Y.Z (semver)

The stable tag should be set before the version tag, so that git describe returns X.Y.Z (latest tag). There should be at least 1s between the two tag commands, so that date sorting is not confused.

Release script

Important: the release script assumes that you run it from the current nghyd source directory nghyd, and that JaLHyd source directory jalhyd is present at the same level.

This script:

  • checks out "master" branch of JaLHyd, pulls the latest changes, installs dependencies, runs unit tests, commits changes if any
  • updates JaLHyd version, commits changes
  • creates the right tags for JaLHyd and pushes them
  • checks out "master" branch of NgHyd, pulls the latest changes, installs dependencies, commits changes if any
  • updates NgHyd version, commits changes
  • creates the right tags for NgHyd and pushes them

It does not check that jalhyd_branch is OK nor that jalhyd/ and nghyd/ are up to date, but reminds you to do it.

Once tags are pushed, Gitlab CI/CD takes care of building and deploying the new packages.

Example for a 4.10.4 version :

./scripts/ 4.10.4