import { ListPage } from "./list.po";
import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { SideNav } from "./sidenav.po";
import { testedCalcTypes } from "./tested_calctypes";
import { browser, $, $$, expect } from '@wdio/globals'
François Grand
import { openCalculator } from "./util.po";
* For all calculators, try to calculate every parameter: check that only one parameter
* is set to CAL mode, trigger the calculation, check that result is not empty
describe("ngHyd − check translation of all calculators", () => {
let listPage: ListPage;
let calcPage: CalculatorPage;
let navBar: Navbar;
let prefPage: PreferencesPage;
let sideNav: SideNav;
beforeAll(() => {
listPage = new ListPage();
calcPage = new CalculatorPage();
navBar = new Navbar();
prefPage = new PreferencesPage();
sideNav = new SideNav();
describe("", () => {
// get calculators list (IDs) @TODO read it from config, but can't import jalhyd here :/
const calcTypes = testedCalcTypes;
// options of "Language" selector on preferences page
const langs = ["English", "Français"];
// for each language
for (let i = 0; i < langs.length; i++) {
describe("language " + langs[i] + " − ", () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await prefPage.navigateTo();
await prefPage.changeLanguage(i);
beforeEach(function () {
toContain: function () {
return {
compare: function (actual, expected) {
const result = {
pass: actual.includes(expected),
message: "error" // short message to avoid whole page source being dumped on expect() failure
return result;
// for each calculator
for (const ct of calcTypes) {
it(" − check translations of calculator type [" + ct + "]", async () => {
// click calculator button (instanciate)
François Grand
await openCalculator(ct, navBar, listPage);
// just click the "compute" button with default values
// check that "compute" button is active
const calcButton = await calcPage.getCalculateButton();
const disabledState = await calcButton.getAttribute("disabled");
if (!disabledState) {
// click "compute" button
await browser.pause(200);
// check that result is not empty
const hasResults = await calcPage.hasResults();
// check absence of "*** message not found" in whole DOM
const source = await browser.execute("return document.body.innerHTML");
expect(source).not.toContain("*** message not found", "missing translations found");
// empty session
await navBar.clickMenuButton();