Copyright (c) 2015, INRA All rights reserved. Each Ontology have its own license and owner This repostiory stores the phenotyping ontologies developped by INRA and its Partner. Structure : One folder by species group. In each folder, a mandatory , Tree |__ Woody | |__Biologist friendly editable file, curently (2015) Xls Crop Ontology Trait Template V5 <Mandatory> | |__Json for Rest, Brapi compatible (URGI tools) | |__OWL/OBO Format. (See CropOntology tools) | |__Excel/XML for Adonis |__ Fruit | |__... Wheat |__Biologist friendly editable file, curently (2015) Xls Crop Ontology Trait Template V5 <Mandatory> |__Json for Rest, Brapi compatible (URGI tools) |__OWL/OBO Format. (See CropOntology tools) |__Excel/XML for Adonis Vitis |__... Environment Beet Pea Legacy Tools ... The other species groups that are likely to be added in the future are : Maiz (confidential), Solenaceae In each species group there can be several ontologies. For instance, Wheat will have INRA Phenotyping Ontology and Small Grain Cereal Network Ontology. In this case, each ontology has a group of file with the same name pattern : SpeciesGroup-<ProjectOrComunity>-ontology.xls SpeciesGroup-<ProjectOrComunity>-ontology.json SpeciesGroup-<ProjectOrComunity>-ontology.adonis.xml SpeciesGroup-<ProjectOrComunity>-ontology.owl Example : Wheat-inra-ontology.xls Wheat-small-grain-network-ontology.xls